October Book Pile.

In October my commute was cut by half so I have lost my dedicated 2 hours of reading time each day and its taken me a while to adapt to my new and improved 20 minutes each way  in heaven. Thus, I have only barely read 2 short books this month. Sad times.

However, 2 very good books they were. I was pretty chuffed when Lipsy gave me her copy of Crown of Midnight to read before her (thats a BFF right there). Whilst reading it I was reminded heavily of the Abhorsen series by Garth Nix which I haven't read in a while, so it felt natural to move onto that next. Everything about these books is similar, but different. The Throne of Glass series is like Sabriel's sexier older sister. Re-reading Sabriel was, as always like visiting an old friend. That old friend is of course a white cat/free magic elemental called MOGGET but an old friend all the same.

Lets ignore the ever growing to read pile next to my bed while I take some time to revisit old classics. I'm in the swing of my new commute and using it as an excuse to take actual lunch breaks to read, its all roses from here.

(Check out last months bookpile // Follow me on GoodReads)

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