
Its pretty much my DREAM to be allowed to take photographs in the back room/underneath/storage facility of any of the Natural History Museums of the world, so I'm kind of hyperventilating whilst looking at these glorious photographs taken by photographer Klaus Pichler underneath the Natural History Museum in Vienna. You've all been enjoying the photographs I took above ground in that wonderful place on the blog over the last week, so I wanted to share these with you.

See more over on the (also wonderful) blog iGnant.

(Seriously though if you own a museum and want someone to take photographs in the back room, please do get in touch.)


  1. LOVE !!!!! ! !

    Have you seen this guy's work? http://www.richardbarnes.net/index.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=0&a=0&at=0

  2. Have you seen Neil Pardingtons work? http://www.neilpardington.com/work/_gallery/id_1
    Also, Laurence Aberhart has some beautiful photos of birds in storage. So too does Fiona Pardington actually but hers are definitely of a different style.
