
Do you know, I'm enjoying getting older. It seems like a strange thing to suddenly realise at 2:45pm on a wintery Sunday, but its true, I really am. I'm enjoying finding that I enjoy silly little things like cooking epic meals and reading my book at home instead of trying to 'go out' and 'do things'. I'm enjoying having a stressful day job that takes it out of me during the week (but I must find satisfying because I find myself unconciously working on Saturday mornings) and balancing this with nice weekends. I was thinking about this and realised it must be part of getting older, and I'm enjoying it.

I love weekends, famously. Often we joke that having no day job would be vastly superior because we could do what we want, all of the time, but right now I am enjoying the balance I have in life of working hard in the week, and enjoying what weekend time I have to live my life. I think the balance is important. If I won lottery tomorrow and quit my job I would be bored, all of the time. I wouldn't love weekends anymore because I wouldn't have them. Right?

This weekend I went on an epic walk around Alexandra Park with Suzi and shot a roll of 35mm. I finally got boyfriend to come down to the garden centre to help me choose herbs for our up until now empty window box, baked soda bread and made an incredible lentil spread. You can find the recipe for the spread over here at A Merry Mishap. I adapted it slightly, using walnuts instead of almonds (because I had them in!) and adding lemon juice at the end. Also please note that 1 cup of cooked lentils is NOT the same as 1 cup of lentils, cooked - we're going to be eating this until the cows come home, I now have several jars of the stuff. Its especially good on the aformentioned soda bread with tomatoes tossed in olive oil and parmesan cheese with some watercress and lots of salt & pepper.


  1. I feel the same way. I, too, would put "going out" and "doing stuff" in quotations. Like, quoting pre-30s me who'd be all like, what is wrong with you? Do something! But the truth is: I love getting enough sleep, grocery shopping, and hangovers just keep getting worse! I agree. Getting older is sweet. I feel like I'm jut starting to figure out who I really am. And I think w had similar weekends...I blogged about mine, too!

  2. I love this post. It really made me think, particularly as I'm turning 30 in less than a week - and I'm not at all upset about it, I am happy getting older too!

    Not sure if I'm happy in the Mon-Fri 9-5 though, I'm certain I could find something much more fulfilling and creative to do with my time if money and time weren't an issue! But this positive post made me feel more content with my lot.

